
U.S. 规定严格限制了国际学生就业机会的数量和地点. 提供以下信息以帮助您理解这些限制. 违反联邦法规会有严重的后果,包括终止你的身份. Please review these guidelines very carefully. 如果您有任何问题,请联系国际研究办公室 international@whyamiperfect.com or 308-432-6376.


Social Security Number 信息

社会安全号码(SSN)是由美国政府颁发的唯一的九位数字.S. government and required by all employers in the U.S. This number is necessary for you to get a job, 纳税, 取得驾驶执照, and a few other legitimate reasons. 只有有工作或被录用的学生才可以申请社会保险号. 一旦你获得了社会安全号,它就永远是你的了,并且可以在以后访问美国时使用. You cannot apply until you have been in the U.S. for at least 10 days and have registered for classes. If you work for pay in the U.S., you must have a SSN to file a U.S. 所得税申报表.

一旦你有了社会安全号,你应该采取一切预防措施防止丢失或误用. A SSN is a permanent identification number. 它不打算作为一种常规形式的身份证明给每个人. 它应该只给那些有正当理由需要它的人, such as your employer for payroll and tax purposes.

获得社会保障号, 你必须亲自到斯科茨布拉夫的社会保障办公室申请, Nebraska approximately 100 miles from Chadron State College. 如果您需要社会安全号,请联系世界动物卫生组织安排带您去斯科茨布拉夫. 世界动物卫生组织为此预先安排了前往斯科茨布拉夫的国际学生团体.


  • 有效护照及U.S. 入境签证和I-94.
  • 表格1-20或DS-2019.
  • 中国留学基金委人力资源办公室的聘书.


如果您有其他问题,您可以在 社会保障网站,或联络世界动物卫生组织: international@whyamiperfect.com, or 308-432-6376.


U.S. 公民及移民服务局(USCIS)条例8CFR214.2(f)(9)(i)管理国际学生的校内就业. 根据这些规定, 国际学生可以在校园里为教育机构工作,前提是他们的工作不取代美国的工作.S. citizen and the student is in academic good standing. 学生也可以在校外的公司工作, if the company provides a direct service to students. 例如, international students can work for the bookstore, 但是他们不能为在校园里建造建筑的建筑公司工作.

在正常学年期间,每周的工作时间最多为20小时. 学生可以在官方假期(冬季和夏季)全职工作。. 不鼓励学生在第一年打工.

If you secure on campus employment, 访问OIE以确保您的工作符合USCIS对校园就业的定义,并安排获得所需的联邦社会安全号码.

F-1学生保持合法身份,并计划在下一学期在不同的机构注册,可以继续在CSC校园就业,直到新学校的报告日期. 他们也可以在新机构签发新的I-20表格后立即开始在新机构工作.

Potential On-Campus 就业机会 at CSC

CSC has limited on-campus employment opportunities. Watch for advertisements around campus, announcements on the CSC的网页 or visit an office where you would like to work. 人力资源办公室也可能有一份就业机会清单. Frequent opportunities include:

  • 呼叫中心
  • 校园安全
  • 儿童发展中心
  • CSC大使
  • 食品服务
  • 信息技术
  • Nelson Physical Activity Center
  • 奋斗学习中心
  • Graduate Assistants (Only for Graduate Students)

如果您对校园就业有任何疑问,请致电308-432-6376或发送电子邮件至 international@whyamiperfect.com.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)


U.S. federal regulations 8CFR214.2(f)(10)(i)允许f -1国际学生参加专业, temporary employment opportunities such as internships, co-op education programs or practicums. 法规要求CPT必须是必修课程或已建立课程的组成部分,并且您必须获得就业的学术学分. CPT可能在学年和/或夏季进行. To prove that your CPT is integral to the curriculum, 它应该在描述你的学术部门的要求和课程设置的大学目录部分提到. 以下规则适用.

  • 你必须持有当前的F-1签证,并且必须注册了一个完整学年(秋季)的全日制课程 & 春天)或(春天) &fall) before authorization can be granted.
  • 雇佣是特定于课程、雇主、地点和日期的.
  • 由于被视为一门课程,因此授权期限必须在给定的学期内.
  • 未能参加CPT被批准的特定课程,未能在授权期内完成工作,将导致违反您的移民身份.
  • 在秋季或春季学期,你必须继续注册完整的CPT课程.
  • 使用CPT的每个学期都需要新的授权.
  • 完成12个月或以上全日制课程实践培训的学生将没有资格参加选修实践培训. 对于需要立即参加课程实践培训的研究生,免除9个月的在籍要求.
  • There is no fee to apply for curricular practical training.
  • OIE必须在SEVIS上授权您的CPT,并签发新的I-20.
  • 在学生收到带有课程背书的I-20表格之前,课程实践训练不能开始.

如果您有关于课程实践培训的其他问题,请发送电子邮件到我们的国际办公室 international@whyamiperfect.com 或打电话 308-432-6376 and schedule an appointment.

When should I apply for CPT and where do I apply for CPT?
您需要与OIE合作,以确保您的CPT获得批准. You may apply for CPT if you meet the following conditions:

  • 你的研究领域需要实习作为其学术要求的一部分.
  • You have a job offer from an off-campus employer. This job must be directly related to your field of study.
  • CPT只能在你完成所有学位课程之前进行.


在收到您的新I-20文件和CPT批准后. 你I-20上列出的CPT开始日期是你可以开始工作的第一天.

No. You will put your F-1 status at serious risk. 在你收到新的I-20和CPT证明文件以及开始日期之前,你不能开始工作培训或志愿者工作.

是的. 所有校外工作,无论是有偿的还是无偿的,都必须得到OIE的批准.

是的. 您必须注册与CPT相关的相应课程.

What happens if I do not register for CPT credit?
You will place your immigration status at serious risk. This is a violation of federal Immigration regulations.

Do I have to be registered full-time to apply for CPT?
是的. 你必须注册为全日制学生才能保持F-1身份. 除非你持有有效的签证,否则你不能被授权参加CPT.

2) A letter from the employer.


  • Number of hours per week you will work
  • 开始和结束日期
  • A brief description of job duties

It will take approximately 7-10 business days.

Can I be an RA, TA, or GA and apply for CPT at the same time?
是的, 但在你这么做之前, 请考虑你取得“令人满意的进步”的能力. As an F-1 visa holder, your main purpose is to be a student. You do not want the job getting in your way of studying.

Can I do a CPT in a country other than America?

接触世界动物卫生组织. You may need to submit a new application for CPT.

What should I do if I stop working earlier than my end date?
接触世界动物卫生组织 so we can update your SEVIS record.

What should I do if I want to work somewhere else?

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Optional Practical Training Regulations for F-1 Students

毕业后可选实习培训(OPT)是F-1学生参加专业实习的机会, temporary employment that is directly related to their major field of study 毕业后. 学生在OPT期间可以兼职或全职工作,也可以为不止一个雇主工作.

  • 完成后OPT的最长期限为12个月,并在你的EAD卡上的截止日期结束, when you begin a new educational degree program, or when you change to a new visa type (for example, H1B).
  • 每获得一个学位级别,你可以被授权工作长达12个月(全职).
  • 当学生转学到另一所学校时,可选实习培训的授权自动终止.

你必须申请OPT,建议你在CSC的最后一个学期申请. The application process can take up to 3 months, 所以在你有资格的第一天之后尽快申请是很重要的, which is 90 days before the Program End Date on your I-20.  所有完成后OPT必须在I-20项目结束后的14个月内完成. Since application processing can take up to two-three months, 如果你申请太晚,你可能会失去一部分资格期.

如果你决定申请完成后OPT, you need to work with the OIE to complete the application. 与此同时,你可以开始收集你的申请文件并处理它们. Bring them with you to our office.

如果您有关于OPT的其他问题,请发送电子邮件至我们的办公室 international@whyamiperfect.com 或致电308-432-6376.

I do not have a job offer yet. Can I go ahead and apply for OPT?
绝对! You do not need a job offer to apply for OPT. 我们鼓励你尽快申请(在你的项目结束日期前90天),因为它可能需要几个月的时间来处理.

You can do an OPT per completion of each educational level. 当你完成学士学位后,你有资格获得最多12个月的OPT. 如果你继续读研究生并完成硕士学位, you are eligible for another 12 months of OPT.

我们强烈建议你尽快开始OPT申请. 根据联邦法规, 你不能在I-20上的项目结束日期前90天内申请.

I did a CPT during my studies. Does this impact my OPT eligibility?
Only if your CPT was full time for 12 months. Otherwise, it does not impact your OPT.

I have to indicate a start date for my OPT. 那个日期应该是什么时候?


How long does it take USCIS to approve my application?
它的变化. It can take up to twelve weeks and sometimes longer. 应用 early to allow enough time to receive your EAD card.

Is there an OPT application fee?
是的,是410美元.00 and must be paid by check or money order.

Can I track my application after it has been sent to USCIS?
是的. Sign up for email updates on the 政府指示板

My OPT start date has arrived, but I still do not have a job! 我该怎么办??
You can be unemployed for an aggregate period of 90 days. 如果你所有的失业时间加起来是90天, you may be required to leave the United States. Please contact OIE for help if this happens.


Do I have to keep OIE updated while on OPT?

Can I begin work without my EAD card in hand?
No, you must have this in your possession. 如果你在拿到EAD卡之前就开始工作,你将严重违反规定. Once you receive your card, make a copy and provide it to OIE.

是的, you may travel outside the U.S. after you have filed for OPT. 然而, 您可能会被要求提供USCIS处理中心的收据,证明您的申请已经提交. 如果你要出国旅行,确保你有雇主提供的工作机会或实际工作的证明文件. 否则,您将承担不被允许再次进入美国的风险.

电邮至 international@whyamiperfect.com
Schedule an individual appointment.